Figure 1: Survey


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how many 1st or 2nd year medical students working with your department have completed 1 or more case reports or case series?

(  ) None   (  ) 1-5/yr  (  ) 6-10/yr                  (  ) 11-15/yr                (  ) >15/yr


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how many 1st or 2nd year medical students working with your department have completed 1 or more clinical research projects (other than case reports or case series)?

(  ) None   (  ) 1-5/yr  (  ) 6-10/yr                  (  ) 11-15/yr                (  ) >15/yr


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how many 1st or 2nd year medical students working with your department have completed 1 or more research projects in which they performed laboratory benchwork ?

(  ) None   (  ) 1-5/yr  (  ) 6-10/yr                  (  ) 11-15/yr                (  ) >15/yr


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how many 3rd or 4th year medical students working with your department have completed 1 or more case reports or case series?

(  ) None   (  ) 1-5/yr  (  ) 6-10/yr                  (  ) 11-15/yr                (  ) >15/yr


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how many 3rd or 4th year medical students working with your department have completed 1 or more clinical research projects (other than case reports or case series)?

(  ) None   (  ) 1-5/yr  (  ) 6-10/yr                  (  ) 11-15/yr                (  ) >15/yr


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how many 3rd or 4th year medical students working with your department have completed 1 or more research projects in which they performed laboratory benchwork?

(  ) None   (  ) 1-5/yr  (  ) 6-10/yr                  (  ) 11-15/yr                (  ) >15/yr


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how many medical students (MS I – MS IV) working with your department have presented their dermatology research at 1 or more dermatology meetings?

(  ) None        (  ) 1-5/yr               (  ) 6-10/yr                  (  ) 11-15/yr                (  ) >15/yr


On average, per year, within the past 3 years how much money has your institution/division spent on dermatology research conducted by medical students?

(  ) None   (  ) $1-$5000/yr          (  ) $5000-$10000/yr  (  ) >$10000/yr


Does your institution/division offer any dermatology research electives for which medical students receive academic credit? 

(  ) Yes                        (  ) No


If yes, what is the maximum length of these research electives?

(  ) 4 weeks                 (  ) 6 weeks                 (  ) 8 weeks                 (  ) >8 weeks


If yes, does your institution/division allow visiting medical students to take any of these dermatology research electives?

(  ) Yes                        (  ) No


How does your institution/division inform medical students of any opportunities in dermatology research?  You may choose more than 1 answer choice.

(  ) No method                              (  ) in-class announcements         (  ) e-mail  (  ) mailings

                  (  ) Posters or signs     (  ) other:


Please indicate all areas of dermatology research in which medical students at your institution have participated within the past 3 years:

(  ) pediatric derm      (  ) general derm        (  ) derm surgery        (  ) dermatopathology 

(  ) basic science        (  ) other:


Does your institution/department offer any special program(s) or support for dermatology research conducted by minority medical students?  If yes, please elaborate.


Does your institution/division offer any special programs in dermatology research that permit non-PhD medical students to graduate with additional academic credentials (e.g.—honors designation on diploma)?  If yes, please elaborate.


Please indicate all academic credentials of faculty providing student research supervision.


(  ) PhD     (  ) MD      (  ) MPH    (  ) MBA (  ) JD         (  ) other:             


Does your medical school have an MD/PhD program? (  ) Yes      (  ) No


If yes, on average, per year, within the past 3 years how many of MD/PhD students have participated in dermatology research?

(  ) 0 / yr    (  ) 1 / yr    (  ) 2 / yr (  ) 3 / yr (  ) 4 / yr (  ) >4 / yr           


Please indicate the medical school with which you are associated: