Appendix 3. Therapeutic Categories of Topical OTC Products found in the NAMCS



Refers to products used for the treatment and prevention of infestations or cutaneous bacterial or fungal infections .

Includes:  Zeasorb-AF®, clotrimazole, Fungoid®, Lotrimin®, Mycelex®, Exsel Lotion®, thymol, Neosporin®, triple antibiotic, Elmite®, Abreva®, bleach bath, Desenex®, Extina®, Gynazole I®, Gyne-Lotrimin®, Lamisil AT®, Lotrimin AF®, Mentax®, Micatin®, miconazole, Monistat 7®, Monistat-Derm®, Mycocide®, Neo-Rx®, NIX®, Pediculicide®, permethrin, R&C®, RID®, Selseb®, Tersi Foam®, Tinactin®, Vanseb Lotion®, ZNP®, bacitracin, Klaron®, Polysporin®, and Sulfacet-R Lotion® , Burrow’s Solution®


Refers to all topical hydrocortisone products

Includes:  Aeroseb-HC®, Ala-Cort®, Aquanil®, Balneol Lotion®, Carmol®, Carmol-HC®, Cetacort®, Cortaid®, Cortef®, Cortibalm®, cortisone, Dermacort®, hydrocortisone, hydrocortisone valerate, Hytone®, Keratol HC®, Lacticare HC®, Lacticare Lotion®, Locoid®, Nutracort®, Orabase®, Pandel®, Penecort®, Proctozone HC Cream®, Sarnol HC®, T/Scalp®, Texacort®, U-Cort Cream®, and Westcort®


Refers to any product designed to treat acne

Includes: Acne-Aid®, astringent, Benzac®, Benzac W Gel®, Benzaderm®, Benzagel®, Benzashave®, Benziq®, Benzoyl®, benzoyl peroxide, Bravisol®, Brevoxyl®, Clenziderm®, Desquam-E®, Desquam-X®, Desquam-X Wash®, Gly-Sal Pad®, Ionax®, Nicomide®, Oxy-10®, Panoxyl®, Persa-Gel®, Proactive®, Proxigel®, Resorcinol®, Rezamid®, Seba Gel 10®, Solvere Acne Clearing Kit®, Sulfur, Zoderm®, Benoxyl®, Benzocol®, Fostex BPO Gel®, Neo-Benz-All®, Oxy-5®, Oxy-Wash®, Peroxyl®, Persa®, Stri-Dex Pads®, Sulfur & Resocrin Compound, Tyrosum Cleanser®, and Glycare GLS®


Refers to any product designed to moisturize or hydrate the skin

Includes: Curel Lotion®, Albolene®, Aquabase®, Aquaphor®, Atopiclair®, Aveeno lotino®, barrier ointment, Catrix Correction®, Cerave®, Cetaphil®, Cetaphil Moisturizer®, chap stick, Chloresium®, Complex 15 Lotion®, Derma Ph Lotion®, Dermazinc®, Dexpanthenol®, Eletone®, emollient/lotion/cream/moisturizer, Eucerin®, Hydranorme Facial Skin Care®, hydrated petroleum, hydrophilic ointment, Keri®, Kinerase®, Mimyx®, moisturizing cream OTC, Neostrata Aha Lip Conditioner®, Neutroderm Lotion®, Nouriva Repair®, Nutraderm®, ointment, Pen-Kera®, petrolatum, petroleum ether, Proteque®, Replens®, Robathol Bath Oil®, SBR Lipocream®, Theraseal®, Vanicream®, Vaseline®, Wibi and Lotion®


Refers to all products primarily designed for cleansing

Includes: Aveeno Oilated®, Aveeno-Bar®, Basis Soap®, Derma Soap®, Dove Soap®, Lytic Gel®, Neutroderm Cleanser®, Oil of Olay Soap®, Oilatum Soap®, soap, sulfur soap, Toleriane Cleanser®


Includes: Coppertone®, Durascreen®, Oil of Olay Daily UV Protectant®, Presun®, Solbar®, Sundown®, sunscreen, and Sunstick Lip Protectant®


Refers to all products designed for exfoliation (salicylic acid, lactic acid, and wart treatments)

Includes:   Duoderm®, Aha Revitalizing Gel®, Amlactin®, Aquacare/HP®, Betamide®, Compound W®, DHS W Salicylic Acid®, Duofilm®, Duoplant®, Fostex Medicated Cleanser®, Freezone®, Fungi Nail®, Jessner’s Solution®, Keralac Lotion®, Keralac Nail Gel®, Keralyt®, Kerol®, keratolytic emollient, lactic acid, Mediplast Plasters®, Occlusal®, P&S®, Pernox®, Phisoderm®, Sal Dex®, Salac®, Salacid®, salicylic acid, salicylic acid and sulfur soap, salicylic acid plasters, Saligel®, Trans-Plantar®, Tans-Ver-Sal®, trichloroacetic acid, U-lactin®, Ultra-Mide-Lotion®, Umecta®, urea, Vanamide®, wart treatment and Wart Off®


Refers to products designed to alleviate itch or pain but excluded hydrocortisone preparation

Includes: analgesic balm, Arnica®, Bactine®, Betacaine®, Caladryl®, Calamine Lotion®, Calmol ,  camphor, Campho-Phenique®, Cloraseptic®, Derma Medicone®, dibucaine, Dome-Paste Bandage®, Itch-X®, Lanacane®, Pramegel®, Prax Lotion®, Sarna®, Scalpicin Solution®, Solarcaine®, Tegaderm®, Tucks®, Zilactin®, Zilactin-L®, Zostrix®, Calamine, Ela-Max®, Lida-Mantle®, menthol, and phenol


Refers to shampoos or conditioners of any type (medicated or non-medicated)

Includes: Bakers Best Hair Lotion®, dandruff shampoo, Sanex Shampoo®, Denorex®, DHs Conditioner®, DHS Shampoo®, DHS Zinc®, Exsel Shampoo®, Gly Derm conditioning Shampoo®, Ionil®, Meted®, Nizoral and Selsun Shampoo®, Pentrax®, salicylic shampoo, Sebutone®, selenium sulfide shampoo, Selsun®, Selsun Blue Shampoo®, System Shampoo®, T/Sal®, tar derivative shampoo, tar preparation shampoo, Tarsum®, tears free Shampoo, T-Gel Shampoo®, X Seb Shampoo®, and Sebulex®


Refers to any antimicrobial substance that is applied to the skin to reduce the number of microbial flora

Includes: isopropyl alcohol, antiseptic solution, benzalkonium, Betadine®, Castellani’s Paint®, Hibiclens®, Iodides Tincture, povidone, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Chloraseptic®, and Zephiran Chloride®.


Refers to all other topical OTC products that do not fit into one of the aforementioned categories

Includes: acetone, Alcaro®, alpha hydroxy, ammoniated mercury, Aqua Glycolic®, Squasol Body Lotion®, Balnetar®, Benzoin®, biotin, Blistex®, Bluboro®, Carmex®, Claripel®, Clinac-OC®, coal tar, Cutar Bath Oil®, Derma Zinc®, Dermanail®, Duralex®, Eldopaque®, Eldoquin®, Epiquin Micro®, Estar®, Fototar®, Glyderm Peel®, Glyquin®, Hydrogel®, hydroquinone, ichthammol, Lubriderm®, Lustra AF®, Lustra Cream® M.D. Forte Skin Rejevenation Lotion®, Mederma®, medication(s) prescribed/provided OTC,  Melanex®, Neutrogena T/Gel®, Nivea®, Obagi Blender®, Obagi Clear, olive oil, Polytar®, Purpose®, Replenix®, Solaquin®, Solaquin Forte®, tar, Theraplex®, witch hazel, Xerofoam dressing®, Zeasorb medicated®, Zetar®, zinc oxide, Alpha-Keri®, antioxidants, Aquacel AG®, Aquatar®, bleaching cream, bleaching peroxide 20 volume, Castaderm®, Covicone®, Dermazinc Spray®, Desitin®, Doal oil®, Elase®, Esoterica®, ferulic acid, Glyco-X Cleansing Pads®, Glyfeet®, Glyquin-XM, Invisi-Bleach Gel®, Ionil T®, K-Derm Cream®, Kerodex®, lip balm, lubricating jelly, monochloroacetic acid, Neutrogena®, Obagi Sunfader®,  oregano oil, Rogaine®, Rvpaque®, Silicone Skin Spray®, Skin TX Clarite, and Tricomin Follicle Spray®.


OTC = indicates over-the-counter

NAMCS = National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.