Photoessay: The Skin and Diabetes Mellitus

by A Huntley

Dermatology Online Journal, December 1995
Volume 1, Number 2

commonly encountered manifestations

Skin thickening
Skin thickening in one form or another occurs in about half the patients with diabetes.

Microvascular manifestations in the skin

Microvascular changes, especially involving the eye and kidney, are classic findings of diabetes mellitus. This section describes how microvascular changes are evident in the skin.

Neuropathy of the foot

The peripheral neuropathy of diabetes mellitus commonly involves the foot. Images are presented to demonstrate some of the manifestations of motor and sensory involvement there.

Infection of the skin in diabetes

Various skin infections are of concern in diabetes mellitus.

Yellow skin and nails

Yellowing of the skin and nails is commonly encountered in diabetes.

distinct but uncommon manifestations

Necrobiosis lipoidica
Necrobiosis lipoidica is a distinct skin manifestation which is more commonly found in patients who also have diabetes mellitus.

Diabetic bullae

With no other apparent cause, diabetics may develop blisters, usually on the extremities.

Disseminated granuloma annulare

Patients who develop disseminated granuloma annulare have been noted to commonly have diabetes mellitus.

Kyrle disease

An uncommon but distinct finding in diabetic patients with renal disease.

Cutaneous side effects of insulin injection

Patients who need daily insulin to control their sugar metabolism may develop secondary skin problems.
All contents copyright (C), 1995.
Dermatology Online Journal
University of California Davis